
In this category, you can define the following properties:

1. Input type

Specify the input data type to be allowed in each column using this dropdown. EDITable allows the following data types as inputs:

  • Number

  • Decimal

  • Text

  • Single-select

  • Check-box

  • Date Time

  • Date

  • Image

  • Person

  • URL

  • Email

You can configure additional properties based on the selected type.

Example: For number type input, you can set the minimum and maximum allowed values. For single-select type, you can either manually configure the dropdown values or fetch them from a lookup table. These properties are explained in the next sections.

2. Allow Edits

Check this box to enable users to edit the column values. Uncheck it to restrict users from modifying the column values.

In the example below, we have made all columns editable.

3. Required

This box is to specify whether the column values are mandatory to be entered or can be left empty. Checking this box makes the column mandatory.

We have discussed the general configurations. In the next section, we will explain about setting constraints.

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