Comment Settings
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Last updated
Inforiver offers a variety of comment-related settings, including the ability to set up commentary access rules for users, lock/unlock threads, enable/disable notifications, and more.
Click on Settings in the 'Comments' dropdown.
A side panel opens with a list of options as below.
Let's take a detailed look at these options.
By default, comments are enabled. To disable commenting, uncheck the highlighted checkbox and click Save.
You would no longer be able to add comments.
Check the highlighted checkbox to open the comments panel by default when you open the report.
By default, all users within the domain can add comments. However, if you want only specific users to be able to comment, select the highlighted option. A new field gets enabled where you can add the users.
Locked threads cannot be edited, deleted, or replied to by any user. To do any of the above, the user must first unlock it. Using the option as shown below, you can allow only specific users to lock and unlock threads by specifying their email IDs.
To disable email notifications for new mentions or replies, uncheck the highlighted checkbox in the Settings panel.
You can modify the report name that appears in email notifications, as indicated below.
To delete all comments in the report permanently, click on Delete all comments.
Changes made in the settings panel can be reset using the Reset all settings option.